Truma e1800 rote Lampe

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Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Halo, ich spreche nicht gut deutsch. I komme aus Italien, spreche Italienisch und English. Ich kann nicht in italienische Forum finden.

Ich schreibe in English.

I have a trumatic e1800 2nd series (88). I’ve ever used in garage and worked all the time. Two times the red led lighted on so I cleaned it all and worked again, now it doesn’t work anymore. The fun is working both speeds, and when I try to heating I can hear the solenoid valve open, there is the spark and the gas burns and there is hot air but truma is like if can’t check the flame and spark is still on till truma stop and red led light on. I’ve changed the termocouple in the burner thinking it was damaged. Just changed worked for 20 times so I putted everything on the t3 and when I’ve finished nothing worked. The only way to make everything working right is to plug air intake so truma works perfectly. I can’t understand why, it’s like there is too much air for the flame or maybe it cool too much the termocouple (because with voltmeter I can see that thermocouple can’t reach the temperature because if I try to light on there are maximum 100 mV on the thermocouple but if I plug air I can read 120/30 mV and the truma doesn’t see any problems and works good an when it’s working voltage it’s between 130/50 mV between the thermocouple and ground) it’s like the thermocouple is too late or maybe something else. Can you help me? Thank you I don’t know what to think anymore. Every thing is cleaned and I can’t see anything damaged. The worst thing is that plugging the air it works perfectly. Thank you. I’m sorry for my English and my German. Thank you all
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Atlantik90 »

what version of E1800-2 do you have - 50 mbar or 30 mbar? If you run a 50 mbar-version with 30 mbar you will have similar problems.
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Hi I’ve the 50 mb version, if you say that maybe my gas pressure regulator has got problems, I’ll try to change it, thank you
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von lalaka »

Check the intake/exhaust pipes: if the inner exhaust pipe is (even slightly) ripped, exhaust fumes will be detected in the intake air and the heating switches off indicating the error.
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Hi i’ve changed the pressure regulator but nothing changed and i,ve checked the exhaust and intake pipes and there are no problems...
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Ralle »

Please, Check the battery. That was my Problem.

Bye RAlph
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Thank you ralf but battery is new and the red lamp light on and light off, my red lamp it’s ever on
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Hi i’ve discovered that tapping on the electric valve’s relay everything works perfectly. Now i buy a new one and change the old one then i’ll let you know something. Meanwhile thank you everybody for the help
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

I’ve changed the relay but nothing changed, tapping on the mother board everyting works good. I don’t know whatsapp to do
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von lalaka »

Try to find the problem a bit more systematically?

AFAIK the possible reasons for the red light are:
  • Low voltage
  • Exhaust in intake air
  • No flame detected
In your first post you wrote
there is the spark and the gas burns and there is hot air
Is that still true!?

Otherwise, if there's actually no flame: do you hear a rapidly ticking sound when starting and continuing until the red light goes on and the heating switches off? Then, there's either no gas at all or the solenoid gas valve is not opening. That would be a common problem caused by the valve getting "sticky" over the years, it still clicks but doesn't actually open. The valve is located right where the gas pipe enters the heating. AFAIK replacement valves are not available.
Workarounds are: a) slightly (!) knocking on the valve while starting the heating; b) forcing the valve to open with full voltage shortly before starting the heating (there's a description somewhere on the forums on how to add a switch to the heating's circuit board to do that).
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Hi, there is the flame because if i press on a relay truma works and comes hot air for minutes so i think i don’t have flame’s problems. I rewelded it but didn’t change anythingk. I tried the valve one or two months ago and worked. The relè I press i think it’s the one that controls the valve. I think it’s an electric problem. I try to find the posts you talk about because me too maybe forcing the valve could make everyting work. At the Moment i’m waiting the relay maybe changing it i can make it works good

Thank you
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von harry.1981 »

I had a similar problem.

In my Truma it was the electrolytic capacitors in the control unit. There should be two large installed. After I replaced them, the truma ran again.
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Nico96 »

Hi, i replaced the relays but nothing changed. I thinked it could Be or a capacitor ad you said or a defective weld. I know wichs you mean I will try to change them, thank you
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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Huffenreuter »

Hi, I know it's been three years since the last post, but did you find the problem in the end? Or a solution even?

Please let me know,

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Re: Truma e1800 rote Lampe

Beitrag von Atlantik90 »

I'm in doubt that you will get an answer because @Nicco96 was here last time on April 16, 2020.
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